How to Hold a Billiard Cue Stick?


Holding a billiard cue stick correctly is important for accuracy and control. Here are the steps to hold a cue stick properly:

  1. Start by placing your non-dominant hand on the butt of the cue. Your hand should be relaxed, with your fingers slightly apart.

  2. Next, place your dominant hand on the cue, about 12-16 inches from the tip. Your hand should be in a loose fist, with your thumb pointing down towards the butt of the cue.

  3. Position your dominant hand so that your index finger is extended along the cue, with your thumb and other fingers wrapped around it. Your grip should be firm but not too tight.

  4. Keep your elbow close to your body and your forearm perpendicular to the cue. This will help you maintain a straight and stable stroke.

  5. When you're ready to take a shot, line up the cue with the center of the cue ball and aim for your target.

  6. As you take your stroke, keep your head down and your eyes focused on the cue ball. Follow through with your stroke, allowing the cue to finish its natural arc.

Remember to practice your grip and stroke regularly to improve your accuracy and consistency on the table.

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